- заряд (зарядка)
- обвинение
- плата (начисление, оплата, платеж)
- обязанность (ответственность, загрузка, нагрузка, поручение, бремя, предписание)
- сбор (налог)
- расход
- шихта
- попечение (забота)
- цена (издержки)
- подопечный
- ведение (хранение)
- атака (нападение)
- руководство
- лицо
Множ. число: charges.
Синонимы: spending, registrant, enchiridion, discounter, transferor, facial, blaming, contact, outgo, directorship, encumbrancer, chieftainship, bailor, headship, action, tester, entity, generalship, arraignment, impeachment, tool, incrimination, gravamen, recrimination, beneficiary, transferee, accusing, grantor, authority, licensee, onset, inculpation, imputation, batch.
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Что касается значения слова cost, оно также означает цену товара, чаще всего этим словом мы обозначаем количество потраченных денег для производства товара.
High prices can be explained with high costs of production – Высокие цены обусловлены высокой стоимостью производства
В отличие от слова price, существительное cost широко используется фигурально.
The cost of victory in the war was very high – цена победы в войне была очень высока
Cost также выступает в роли глагола и означает «стоить» • A new car cost £80 000 — новая машина стоила 80 000 фунтов стерлинга • How much does it cost? — Сколько это стоит?
«charge» в деловом английском
charge verb uk
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COMMERCE, FINANCE to ask for a particularamount of money for something, especially a service or activity: charge (sb) sth for sthHow much will you charge us for shipping and handling? They charged $200 for insurance. charge (sb) for sthWe do not charge you for this service. charge a price/fee, etc.He considered that the price they were charging was fair. The bank charges a commission to withdrawmoney from a foreignATM. to pay for something by creditcard: I don’t have any cash — I’ll charge it. charge sth to sb’s account if you charge something to someone’s account , the amount they have spent is recorded and they pay for it at a latertime: Charge the bill to my account, please. ACCOUNTING to record something as a cost in a financialaccount: charge sth to sthThe depreciation is charged to the profit and lossaccount. LAW to make a formalstatement saying that someone is accused of a crime: charge sb with sthThe propertydeveloper was charged with fraud. to publiclyaccuse someone of having done something bad: charge sb with sthThe newspaper charged him with misleading the public about the seriousness of the situation. to ask someone to do a particularjob: be charged with sthThe committee has been charged with developing a new fundingformula.
Phrasal verb
charge off charge noun uk
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COMMERCE, FINANCE the amount of money that you have to pay for something, especially for a service: make/impose/incur a chargeIf you fail to cancel the booking within the specifiedperiod, you will incur a charge. charge for sb/sthIs there a charge for children or do they go free? small/nominal chargeWe make a nominal charge for this service. high chargesSmall investors are put off by the high charges for this sort of account There will be a one-offcharge of £30. Interest charges on an overdraft are usually quite high. We will deliver to yourhomefree of charge. ACCOUNTING a cost that is recorded in a company’s financialaccounts: take a charge for sthThe companyexpects to take a charge for variousexpensesrelating to the acquisition. Depreciation is treated as a charge in the profit and lossaccount. LAW, PROPERTY → charge on assets: a mortgage, or other charge against the property LAW a formalstatementaccusing someone of committing a crime: bring a charge against sbCharges were brought against the UK company under the Corporate Manslaughter and Homicide Act. on a charge of sthShe was arrested on a charge of fraud. criminal charges He was taken into custody but releasedwithout charge. a statement that someone has done something bad: He respondedangrily to the charge that he had not acted in the bestinterests of the company. in charge in control of or responsible for someone or something: Who will be in charge of the department when Sophie leaves? From now on, Steve is in charge. leave sb in charge (of sth)He was on vacation and had left his deputy in charge. put sb in charge (of sth)I put Jack in charge of making the travelarrangements. take charge (of sth) to take control of something or of a group of people: His bossasked him to take charge of the office for a few days while she was away. (Определение charge из Cambridge Business English Dictionary Cambridge University Press)
electric chargeэлектрический заряд
normal chargeобычная зарядка
charge of rapeобвинение в изнасиловании
extra chargeдополнительная плата
charging interestначисление процентов
additional chargeдополнительная оплата
latter chargeпоследняя обязанность
criminal chargeуголовная ответственность
catalyst chargeзагрузка катализатора
maximum chargeмаксимальная нагрузка
new chargeновый сбор
shipping chargesтранспортные расходы
coal chargeугольная шихта
young chargeюная подопечная
charge of mattersведение дел
charge the batteryзаряжать аккумулятор
charge againзарядить снова
interest chargeначислять проценты
The amount of money levied for a service.
There will be a charge of five dollars.
A ground attack against a prepared enemy.
Pickett did not die leading his famous charge.
A forceful forward movement.
Еще значения (26)
An accusation.
That’s a slanderous charge of abuse of trust.
An electric charge.
The scope of someone’s responsibility.
The child was in the nanny’s charge.
Someone or something entrusted to one’s care, such as a child to a babysitter or a student to a teacher.
The child was a charge of the nanny.
A load or burden; cargo.
The ship had a charge of colonists and their belongings.
An instruction.
I gave him the charge to get the deal closed by the end of the month.
An offensive foul in which the player with the ball moves into a stationary defender.
A measured amount of powder and/or shot in a firearm cartridge.
An image displayed on an escutcheon.
A position (of a weapon) fitted for attack.
to bring a weapon to the charge
A sort of plaster or ointment.
Weight; import; value.
A measure of thirty-six pigs of lead, each pig weighing about seventy pounds; a charre.
An address given at a church service concluding a visitation.
To assign a duty or responsibility to
To assign (a debit) to an account
Let’s charge this to marketing.
To pay on account, as by using a credit card
Can I charge my purchase to my credit card?
Can I charge this purchase?
To require payment (of) (a price or fee, for goods, services, etc.)
I won’t charge you for the wheat
to charge high for goods
(possibly archaic) to sell at a given price.
to charge coal at $5 per unit
To formally accuse (a person) of a crime.
I’m charging you with assault and battery.
To impute or ascribe
To call to account; to challenge
To place a burden or load on or in
To load equipment with material required for its use, as a firearm with powder, a fire hose with water, a chemical reactor with raw materials
Charge your weapons; we’re moving up.
To move forward quickly and forcefully, particularly in combat and/or on horseback
(of a hunting dog) to lie on the belly and be still (A command given by a hunter to a dog)
«charge» в американском английском
charge verb us
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chargeverb (ASK FOR MONEY)
chargeverb (OWE)
chargeverb (ACCUSE)
to accuse someone of something, esp. to officiallyaccuse someone of a crime: He was charged with resistingarrest.
chargeverb (MOVE FORWARD)
[ I/T ] to moveforwardquickly, esp. to attack: When the batter was hit with the pitch, he dropped his bat and charged the pitcher.
chargeverb (STORE ENERGY)
[ I/T ] to put electricalenergy into a storagedevice such as a battery : It takes several hours for my laptop’s batteries to charge.
chargeverb (INSTRUCT)
law to instruct (the peopledeciding a legalcase) what the law is in a particularcase: The judge charged the jury before deliberationsbegan.
charged up in charge (of something/someone) charge noun us
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chargenoun (CONTROL)
chargenoun (EXPLOSIVE)
chargenoun (STORAGE OF ENERGY)
[ C/U ]chemistry, physics the amount of electricity that an electricaldevicestores or carries [ C/U ]chemistry, physics A positive or negativeelectrical charge is a basiccharacteristic of matter. (Определение charge из Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary Cambridge University Press)
Что касается значения слова cost, оно также означает цену товара, чаще всего этим словом мы обозначаем количество потраченных денег для производства товара.
High prices can be explained with high costs of production – Высокие цены обусловлены высокой стоимостью производства
В отличие от слова price, существительное cost широко используется фигурально.
The cost of victory in the war was very high – цена победы в войне была очень высока
Cost также выступает в роли глагола и означает «стоить» • A new car cost £80 000 — новая машина стоила 80 000 фунтов стерлинга • How much does it cost? — Сколько это стоит?
Еще одно английское существительное, имеющее значение «цена», — value – подразумевает ценность предмета, а не его стоимость.
- We do not always realize the value of honesty, kindness and love – Мы не всегда понимаем ценность честности, доброты и любви
- Apologizing does not always mean you are wrong and the other person is right. It just means you value your relationship more than your ego. — Извинения не всегда означают, что вы не правы, а другой человек прав. Это означает только то, что вы цените ваши отношения больше, чем ваше эго.
Выражения, которые могут быть интересны:
А теперь предлагаем вам пройти небольшой тест на эту тему.
Price, cost, charge, value
1. … for food are very high this year. a.costs b.prices c.charges d.values 2. We’ll win at any … a.cost b.price c.charge d.value 3. … of production of paints are very high a.cost b.price c.charge d.value 4. Our … for delivery of goods amounted $20 000 a.costs b.prices c.charges d.values 5. Every nation has a lot of cultural …. a.costs b.prices c.charges d.values 6. The … of living in our country is very low. a.cost b.price c.charge 7. He saved five children from fire at the … of his own life a.cost b.price c.charge d.value 8. I … honesty and loyalty most of all a.cost b.price c.charge d.value 9. When I received the bill I caught sight of the … for hotel a.costs b.prices c.charges d.values 10. We counted the … of the deal and decided to try the fortune a.cost b.price c.charge d.value
Particular или Specific? Почему все говорят «So»? Dirt, filth, mess — грязь по-английски charge verb uk
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chargeverb (MONEY)
B1 to ask an amount of money for something, especially a service or activity: How much/What do you charge for a haircut and blow-dry? The bank charged commission to change my traveller’s cheques. They charge you $20 just to get in the nightclub. The localmuseum doesn’t charge for admission. charge sth to sb’s account to record an amount that a customer has spent for them to pay at a latertime, according to an agreement between a business and the customer: Charge the bill to my account, please. Shall we charge the flowers to youraccount?
(Определение charge из Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus Cambridge University Press)
Charge it, please.Зарядите, пожалуйста.
Tom is in charge of this year’s tennis tournament.Том занимается организацией теннисного турнира в этом году.
How much would you charge to paint my house?Сколько вы берёте за покраску дома?
Now I’ll be taking charge here.Теперь парадом командую я!
He took charge of the firm after his father’s death.Он возглавил компанию после смерти своего отца.
What do they charge for room and board?Сколько тут берут за полный пансион?
Mr. Brown is in charge of the business in the absence of the manager.Мистер Браун — ответственный за дело в отсутствие менеджера.
Miss Sato is in charge of my class.Госпожа Сато занимается нашим классом.
«SOC nine, Danny, SOC nine.» «What?» «SOC. Nine.» «I don’t understand anything!» «SOC. Nine. State of charge nine.»«SOC-девять, Даня, SOC-девять». — «Что?» — «SOC. Девять». — «Я ничего не понимаю!» — «SOC. Девять. Заряженность девять».
Who is in charge of the office while the boss is away?Кто ответственный в офисе, когда босса нет?
A church in Los Angeles has decided to press charges against a homeless man who stole a few cookies from the church’s cookie jar.Церковь в Лос-Анджелесе решила выдвинуть обвинения против бездомного, укравшего несколько печений из церковной банки.
No charges have been filed against the suspect.Против подозреваемого не было выдвинуто никаких обвинений.
He was arrested on charges of tax evasion.Он был арестован по обвинению в уклонении от уплаты налогов.
All demolition charges have been deactivated.Все заряды были деактивированы.
The man charged me with being irresponsible.Этот человек обвинил меня в безответственности.
Is Tom being charged with a crime?Том обвиняется в преступлении?
Tom was charged with attempted murder.Том был обвинён в покушении на убийство.
You can be charged with criminal assault without actually touching the victim.Вас могут обвинить в нападении, даже если вы не касались жертвы.
Tom has been arrested and charged with Mary’s murder.Том был арестован по обвинению в убийстве Мэри.
He was charged with assault and battery.Ему было предъявлено обвинение в нападении и избиении.
The police charged him with leaking information to a neighboring country.Полиция обвинила его в утечке информации в соседнюю страну.
When you send a telegram, brevity is essential because you will be charged for every word.Когда вы отправляете телеграмму, очень важна лаконичность, потому что вам придётся платить за каждое слово.
She should be charged with murder.Она должна понести ответственность за убийство.
The dog suddenly charged at the child.Собака внезапно напала на ребёнка.
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